Road Map
A road map for the LEIA software project.
Finish refactoring TreeModelAdd a rudimentary active componentAdd a policy module based on counterfactual models- Add swing user interface for system configuration
- Add TreeModelCycles or TokenAbstraction
- Improve active component to OptimizeMarkovPolicy
- Add higher layers that model state transitions of lower layers
- Add chatbot environment (maybe "environment proxy" or "environment interface" would be a better term)
Interesting side lines
These issues are not on the road map, but could be worked on independently:
- Investigation of alternatives for MDL optimization of finite distributions
- Use multi-threading to decouple these processes:
- Updating the model of observed behavior
- Updating the model of expected behavior
- Evaluate candidate policies
- Construction of layered interactive environments, e.g.,
- RS232 + chat
- MIDI wire protocol + "virtual jam session" (A Jazz variant of the Turing test)
Visit the LEIA project page on GitHub for project details.